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Stay in YOUR Lane

Let me share a short, yet important tip about maximizing the use of your time.

This is a big issue…much bigger than you may think.

Think about it this way: If you are running a race, swimming in a competition or even out bowling with your kids, how important is it that you stay in your lane?

It is critical, right?

Yet in our business, we crisscross lanes all the time and think nothing of it.

I am referring to trying to be all things to all people all of the time. You may think is it more important to grab every piece of business you can than to slow down and stay in your lane.

Nothing could be further than the truth!

Be a specialist. Learn to be something special to somebody, some of the time. Become a “profile specialist”. To become masterful, you need to have a clear understanding of your lane. 

I am convinced that most financial advisors could be earning three-to-five times as much revenue today by being strategists instead of opportunists.

Check out this video for more explanation:

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When you become a profile specialist, you become masterful at what you do. Stay in your lane for one year at a time and you’ll be shocked at how much more you can accomplish.

Then determine your new Best Case Scenario by assessing your top ten revenue generation situations from the past year. Lock in on that profile (lane) and keep moving forward.

The cool part is that you already know what to do.

You don’t have to research, analyze, organize, or computerize. Simply practice precision marketing to find and select the right new clients you want to invite into your clientele.

Want an example?

When I learned this important concept and applied it during my career as a financial advisor, the business became so clear and simple for me. I became so much better at growing my results.

In one year, my production went from 6 to 9 times MDRT level; that’s a growth of about $500,000 in revenue. Both years I worked only 65 afternoons in my financial practice.

I am not trying to impress you, but rather to impress upon you that the theories, tools, techniques and training I provide comes from the real world.  

Bottom Line? Stay in YOUR lane!

Drop me a note at and let me know your thoughts on this subject.


Wayne Cotton, CLU

P.S. Share this VLOG (Video Blog) with others that may need this little piece of wisdom.

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